How smoking is affecting your oral health and what you can do about it

You smoke a cigarette from time to time, regularly, or you quit a little while ago. You have been told over and over again about the dangers of smoking and the terrible consequences it may have on your overall health. When thinking of the consequences, you immediately think of lung cancer, but you don’t consider the significant impact it has on your oral health.

What impact does smoking have on your oral health?

The truth is smoking increases the risk of gum disease and even oral cancer. Smoking exposes your teeth, gums, tongue, and roof of mouth to nicotine, smoke, and other toxins; all of those tissues become weaker over time, increasing your risks of gum recession. Gum recession is the main complication of gum disease. If you currently smoke or have smoked in the past, you may already be experiencing gum recession.

What is gum recession?

Gum recession is one of the first indicators of periodontal disease, a dangerous condition that develops in your gums and leads to severe infection and tooth loss. Periodontal disease might develop if you do not keep up with dental checkups or make oral hygiene a priority.

Can you stop gum recession?

If gum recession is detected early on, it can be delayed and nearly reversed; but, if you continue to smoke and gum recession progresses, you may suffer irreversible and unsightly damage that causes significant discomfort. Even if your gum recession can be reversed, smokers heal more slowly than non-smokers since their oral tissue is normally weaker. 

Why should I get treatment earlier rather than later for gum recession?

Gum recession not only detracts from your appearance, but it can also cause discomfort while eating owing to exposed nerve endings surrounding your teeth. Your teeth are more susceptible to decay because of the exposed nerve endings, meaning more extractions and root canals.

In addition, these issues are both physically and financially burdensome. Replacing missing teeth can be costly and time-consuming, and replacement teeth may never perform as well as your real teeth did.

However, if you get your gums treated as soon as you notice signs of gum disease, the damage could possibly be reversed and your teeth saved. 

If you smoke and have gum recession, Gemini Dental can help. Book an appointment today.


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