Prevention of dental disorders begins with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet at home. Regular dental examinations, tooth cleaning and x-ray examinations are part of an effective preventive program.
General guidelines state that patients should make an appointment for a professional dental cleaning every six months. While this is ideal for most people, some will need to come in every three months and others will only need to come in every nine or 12 months.
The answer is yes, even if you brush twice a day and floss your teeth daily. Having your teeth cleaned professionally will not only have a positive impact on your pearly whites, but it will also impact your overall health in positive ways. Professional dental cleanings also remove tartar build up.
Tartar, and its precursor, plaque, can both wreak havoc on your dental health. Tartar and plaque can: cause bad breath, from bacteria buildup. destroy enamel, the hard outer layer of teeth, which can in turn, lead to tooth sensitivity, cavities, and even tooth loss.
Because tartar buildup on teeth is strongly bonded to the tooth enamel, it can only be removed by a dental professional.
It is easy to see if you have plaque. Plaque has a pale yellow color that covers your teeth. However, sometimes it can be colorless. Once it hardens it feels like a crusty blanket, kind of like a layer of permanent film on your teeth.
X-rays help your dentist see the condition of your teeth, roots, jaw placement and facial bone composition. X-rays are important because they help your dentist find and treat dental problems early on in their development.