Avoid these common habits to protect your teeth!
We all develop a number of bad habits, but some habits that you don’t think are too bad can actually have a HUGE impact on your oral health.
The following are some common habbits that could impact your dental health:
Biting Your Nails
Biting one's fingernails is a very widespread habit. Your oral health, though, could be harmed by this behavior. You probably pick up germs on your hands throughout the course of the day. Placing your fingers close to a small wound in your mouth could result in an infection. Additionally, over time, the enamel and gums in your mouth can be harmed by your fingernails.
Tobacco Chewing or Smoking
Numerous people continue to use tobacco products every day despite a wealth of evidence indicating they are bad for your overall health. In addition to raising the risk of tooth decay, smoking occasionally raises the chance of oral cancer. Additionally, smoking has a detrimental effect on the appearance of your teeth, making them appear stained and discolored.
Opening Packages with Your Teeth
You might be tempted to use your teeth to pry open packages if scissors aren't there. Even though it might seem safe, using your teeth to tear open plastic packaging can hurt your gums and even shatter some of your teeth.
Having Too Many Acidic Drinks
Your oral health won't suffer if you have the occasional glass of wine or orange juice; in fact, these and other acidic drinks have certain health advantages. However, excessive use of acidic beverages can weaken your enamel and hasten the decaying process of your teeth, endangering the general health of your mouth.
Ice Chewing
Although it might appear harmless, it is bad for your teeth to chew ice. Your chance of chipping your tooth enamel increases when you chew ice. Your teeth are more susceptible to infection and decay when your enamel is compromised.
Teeth Grinding
Some people clench their teeth as they sleep, while others do so when they are stressed. In either instance, grinding your teeth increases the rate of enamel erosion and can result in chips. To get help managing the problem in this case, speak with your dental healthcare professional. If you grind your teeth, your dentist might be able to offer oral appliances.
Take Care of Your Dental Health
Now that you're aware of the negative habits that might damage your dental health, think about finding ways to decrease or get rid of them. The best method to cope with any unhealthy behaviors that could harm your tooth health is by going to the dentist.